Thursday 24 March 2016

Pankaj Saharia Shrewsbury - Golf Lover

Pankaj Saharia is a project manager and structural engineer who currently makes his home in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts. He has more than twenty years of experience in structural engineering, and has been responsible for the structural design and seismic analysis of commercial, academic and residential buildings.

Pankaj Saharia Shrewsbury
He is known as a smart structural engineer who is good at what he does. He is a longtime member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, and was recognized by the United States Army for outstanding contributions to the design and development of the Overhead Coverage System in Iraq for the Transatlantic Program Center and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

But when he can find the time, he loves nothing more than getting out on the golf course for eighteen holes. “I love playing golf,” he says. “I can spend the whole day in a golf course.” He knows from his own experience that to get really good at it, golf demands a lot of practice and mental discipline. Beginners can find it all a little daunting, but through focus on the game and paying attention to the advice of experienced players, progress can be made.

There’s an expression among pro golfers: you drive for show, but putt for dough. In other words, putting is a critical part of the game; experts say that more than a third of a golfer’s score is the result of the putting game. No part of the game should be neglected, of course, but putting is an area that some take for granted.

Pankaj Saharia of Shrewsbury doesn’t take any aspect of his golf game for granted.
